Respuesta :

"No Taxation Without Representation" is a slogan originating during the 1750s and 1760s that summarized a primary grievance of the American colonists in the Thirteen Colonies, which was one of the major causes of the American Revolution. In short, many in those colonies believed that, as they were not directly represented in the distant British Parliament, any laws it passed affecting the colonists (such as the Sugar Act and the Stamp Act) were illegal under the Bill of Rights 1689, and were a denial of their rights as Englishmen.


The following quote from the Declaration of Independence reflects the colonial complaint about no taxation without representation:

"For imposing taxes on us without our consent"


The Stamp tax of 1765, which imposed a tax on every British colony where its citizens would have to pay a tax every time they used a printed paper, was the first major cause of dispute between the Americans and the British. The conflict caused the articulation of the first principle of the Declaration, written by James Otis. The movement "no taxation without representation" that soon spread to the whole American government was reflected in the quote "for imposing taxes on us without our concern" that it is located in the Declaration of Independence.