Respuesta :

It started as a concept put forward by the 1st Lord Baltimore George Calvert and given to King Charles I to establish a new world Colony of Englands unwanted Catholic minority. In 1632 Calvert died and five weeks later the Charter for Mayland was granted to his son Cecil Calvert the 2nd Lord Baltimore. Ships, supplies and colonists saliled for the New World in 1933 under the leadership of Governor Leonard Calvert, via Barbados and Jamestown and arrived in Maryland on 25 March 1634.
It started as a concept brought forward by the 1st Baltimore George Calvert and was given to King Charles I to establish a new world Colony of Englands unwanted Catholic minority. In 1632, Calvert died and five weeks later the Charter for Maryland was granted to his son Cecil Calvert the 2nd Lord Baltimore.
Ships, supplies and colonists sailed to the New World in 1933 under the leadership of Governor Leonard Calvert.
By sailing via Barbados and Jamestown they arrived in Maryland on the 25th of March 1634....
Hope that helped