Hey! Can someone help me with this? 20 POINTS!! Thanks!!

Consider this claim:

Headphones should be manufactured so that music volumes must remain at a safe level to protect listeners' hearing. Use the 5-step process to write a counterclaim.

- Complete the following sentence: The claim states that …
- Cross out "The claim states that." What remains is your clearly stated position.
- Complete the following sentence: Some may disagree because …
- Cross out "Some may disagree because." What remains is your purpose for writing.
- Combine these two thoughts; this is your claim and your counterclaim.

Respuesta :

People should be able to listen to music the way they want using headphones. for example, loud, calm, jumpy, emotional however, the sound rate of the music should be at a level the people can listen to. Different people at different ages or state of health should have separate headphones that suit there type of sound level.