Which occurs when two fluorine atoms react to produce a fluorine molecule?
(1) Energy is absorbed as a bond is broken.
(2) Energy is absorbed as a bond is formed.
(3) Energy is released as a bond is broken.
(4) Energy is released as a bond is formed.

Respuesta :

The answer is 4. When atoms mix to create a compound, energy is continuously set off, and the compound has a lesser total energy. When a chemical reaction happens, molecular bonds are shattered and other bonds are made to create unalike molecules. For instance, the bonds of two water molecules are shattered to make hydrogen and oxygen.

The change that occurs when two fluorine atoms react to produce fluorine molecule is [tex]\boxed{\left( 4 \right){\text{ Energy is released as a bond is formed}}}[/tex].

Further Explanation:

The attraction between different atoms, molecules and ions is known as a chemical bond. Such bonds are responsible for the formation of chemical compounds.

An ionic bond is formed as a result of the interaction between a metal and a non-metal. Metals have the tendency to lose electrons while non-metals tend to gain electrons. Due to this, metal atoms form cations by loss of electrons and non-metals become anions with the gain of electrons.

A covalent bond is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons between the bonded atoms. It is also called molecular bond. Such bonds usually exist between two or more non-metals.

The atomic number of fluorine is 9 and it has a configuration of [tex]1{s^2}2{s^2}2{p^5}[/tex]. It is just one electron short of the stable configuration of neon. When two fluorine atoms approach each other, both share one of their valence electrons and form a single covalent bond. Since [tex]{{\text{F}}_{\text{2}}}[/tex] formed has a complete octet, its stability is quite high. The two fluorine atoms tend to bond with each other to form fluorine molecule so energy is released during the process. Therefore option (4) is correct.

Learn more:

  1. Identification of ionic bonding: https://brainly.com/question/1603987
  2. What type of bond exists between phosphorus and chlorine? https://brainly.com/question/81715

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Ionic and covalent compounds

Keywords: chemical bond, ionic bond, covalent bond, fluorine, 9, neon, stability, octet, configuration, electron, fluorine atoms, fluorine molecule. Energy.