Respuesta :

The title of Olaudah Equiano's autobiography gives you an indication of an answer to this question.  His memoirs were published in 1789 with the title, "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African."  Note the fact that he identifies himself as "The African" as an emphasis on the theme of pride in his African cultural heritage.  Kidnapped and sold into slavery at about age 11 in Africa, Equiano (who was given the name "Gustavus Vass" by one of his eventual owners as a slave), recounted in his memoirs the wretched experience of being brought to the Americas on a slave ship, as well as his experiences as a slave in the Caribbean, Europe and America.  (He was bought by several different owners over time.)  His last owner, Robert King, allowed Equiano to work to buy his freedom, and by 1768 he did so and went to England.

Nationalism and pride in one's place of origin was becoming more and more a theme in the 18th century and would dominate the 19th century.  Equiano's life story emphasizes this sort of self-affirmation of who he was and where he had come from.

Olaudah Equiano’s life highlights the theme of slavery during eighteenth century according to him some men in the society were bounded as slaves while some were having full authority on their rights.

Further Explanations:

Olaudah Equiano born on 16th October 1745 was an abolitionist and writer from Ihiala, presently southeastern Nigeria. During his early age, he was taken as a slave to Anglo-Caribbean, West Indies and Britain. He was then sold to Royal Navy's captain. He acquired his liberty in 1766 through his careful saving and his smart trading. His real name was Gustavus Vassa.

In London, he joined an abolitionist group “Sons of Africa” and became an active leader of the anti-slave trade movement of 1780s. His autobiography, “The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano”, illustrates the suffering of slavery. It helped in the implementation of the Slavery trade Act of 1807 that eliminated African Slavery trade. Equiano had a traumatic life and have even put up with suicidal thoughts. After becoming a protestant Christian he found peace in his life.

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Answer Details:

Grade:High school

Subject: History


Keywords: Olaudah Equiano, abolitionist, Nigeria, Anglo-Caribbean, West Indies and Britain, liberty, Gustavus Vassa, Sons of Africa, Slavery trade Act, African Slavery trade