
Trace the steps involved in ecological succession in an area completely destroyed by a catastrophic event, such as a volcano. WHAT ORDER?

-Climax community of deciduous hardwood tree species becomes established.
-Herbaceous plants and small shrubs enter the area.
-Pioneer species, such as lichen and moss enter soil-less area.
-Grass species move into the area.
-Pioneer species help break down rocks present to form soil.
-Small trees and evergreens become established.


Respuesta :

Ecological succession refers to the slow procedure by which ecosystems modify and establish with time. The habitats get changed continuously and nothing remains similar. There are two main kinds of succession, that is, primary and secondary.  

In the given case, the following will be the order of ecological succession:  

1. The first step would be the entry of the pioneer species like moss and lichen to the soil-less area.  

2. The entered pioneer species dissociate down the rocks present to produce soil.  

3. The third step would be the presentation of the small shrubs and herbaceous plants into the region.  

4. After that grass species would invade the region.  

5. Later after that small trees and evergreens become established.  

6. In the end, the climax community of the species of the hardwood trees becomes established.  


Trace the steps involved in ecological succession in an area completely destroyed by a catastrophic event, such as a volcano.

1.Pioneer species, such as lichen and moss enter soil-less area.

2.Pioneer species help break down rocks present to form soil.

3.Grass species move into the area.

4.Herbaceous plants and small shrubs enter the area.

5.Small trees and evergreens become established.

6.Climax community of deciduous hardwood tree species becomes established.


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