Susan suffered from a heart attack. when the doctors tested the heart muscle they found that she had an increased ratio of lactic acid to pyruvic acid in her heart. what does this say about the availability of oxygen in her heart muscle cells? the heart cells must have received too much oxygen. the heart cells had not received adequate oxygen supply. the heart cells had a build up of carbon dioxide, poisoning her cells. the heart cells had too much carbon dioxide build up.

Respuesta :

This is fairly simple.  For her heart cells to have so much carbon dioxide built up, that means her heart cells weren't recieving enough of an oxygen supply. 


The heart cells had not received adequate oxygen supply.


Lactic acid is the result of a fermentation process that is happening in Susan's heart muscle. Fermentation is a process that occurs only in anaerobic environments, that is, environments with absence of oxygen. For this reason, we can conclude that the increased ratio of lactic acid to pyruvic acid in the heart of susan occurred due to the inadequate supply of oxygen to the heart cells.