Part A: The radius of an indoor fountain at a hotel is π feet. Hotel management wants to build a bench around the outside of the fountain. How long will the bench be?

They also want to crate a cover for the fountain. How much material will they need? Round your answers to the nearest hundredth.

Part B: An outdoor fountain at the hotel has a radius two and a half times the radius of the indoor fountain. Hotel Management wants to put a short brick wall around the edge of the fountain. How long will the brick wall be? How much longer will it be than the circular bench inside the hotel? Round your answers to the nearest hundredth.

Respuesta :

A) a bench --- C=2πr, if r=π, then C=2π²=19.74, 
if you need to use π=3.14, then C=19.72 ft

cover ---- area =πr²=π³=31.01 ft²
if you need to use π=3.14, then A=30.96 ft²

B) R=2.5r
C=2πR, if R=2.5π, then C=2*2.5π²=5π²=49.35 ft
if you need to use π=3.14, then C=49.30 ft
how much longer = 49.35 -19.74=29.61 ft