Respuesta :

watching your child
making sure they are fed well
good home to live in
keep them safe at all times
make the child your priority
List of legal responsibilities parents have when raising a child:

- The parent must provide a home for the child

- The parent must protect and maintain their health

- The parent must choose and provide the child with education

- The parent must provide the child with it's basic needs (water, food, etc.)

- The parent must raise the child in a safe environment

List of non-legal responsibilities a parent has when raising a child:

- The parent may provide the child self-esteem needs

- The parent may take the time to get to know the child

- The parent may be involved in the child's life past legal needs (being their for the child emotionally, helping the child with social problems, etc.)

- The parent may provide your child with a list of rules and/ or punishments

There are many responsibilities a parent has. If someone is not ready to have a child, please do not have one. Raising a human being is a big responsibility.