3.Which ideas are contrasted throughout Passage 2?

A.the harshness of the sea and the peace of the island

B.the ugliness of the ship and the beauty of the island

C.the comfort of home and the toughness of the open sea

D.the excitement of the battlefield and the dullness of the sea

4. Ancient Greece was a seagoing culture that made important explorations.
Ancient Greeks also believed the sea to be a dangerous place. How is this aspect of ancient Greek culture symbolized in Passage 1?

A.The Sirens appear enchanting, but they are lethal.

B.Circe enjoys the adventures of Ulysses but warns him of the Sirens.

C.The Sirens reveal important knowledge to sailors who listen to them.

D.Ulysses follows Circe’s instructions, but he is tempted by the Sirens’ song

5.In Passage 3, which element of Ulysses’s encounter with the Sirens does the artist emphasize?

A.the heroism of Ulysses’s actions on the ship

B.the struggle of the sailors to resist the Sirens’ song

C.the menacing beauty of the Sirens’ physical appearance

D.the dangerous nature of Ulysses’s surrounding environment