Respuesta :

You will learn as you get older that the human world is RUN by economics. 

Realistically, economics is a reflection of the real driving force in ALL life; ecology. 

All of the functions in life, including psychology, are determined by the ecology of the surrounding environment. 

You've no doubt heard of the argument Nature vs. Nurture, and may have stumbled upon the accepted fact that it is, indeed, both. 

Not quite, but very close. It SEEMS like it's both because Nature is DETERMINED by nurture. 

If we occurred on Saturn, our thinking process would be quite different, as would we. We probably wouldn't resemble what we are now.



Responses will vary. A sample response follows:

Thinking economically is an important skill because every decision we make involves costs and consequences. Costs do not necessarily involve money; a cost can be anything, including a missed opportunity (known as an opportunity cost). Because every decision we make means weighing cots and consequences, it is very important that we learn to economize our thoughts so that we can reap the greatest benefits with the lowest costs.