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After Anastasio Somoza fell from power, his son took over and continued ruling through autocratic means for twenty years until his government fell to Sandinista communist forces.

Anastasio Somoza was the Nicaraguan autocratic ruler from 1936-1956. He was assassinated in 1956 and his son took over until the Sandinista communist rebels defeated his government.


After decades of intervention and strong foreign influence, the Nicaraguan Revolution produced the fall of Anastasio Somoza in 1979, and a National Reconstruction Governing Board was established, constituted as a transitory government board in charge of the executive power and a Council of State in charge of the legislative power with the participation of representatives from the political, social, communal and religious spheres.

In 1984, the first popular elections were held in accordance with the new Electoral Law. The Government Junta of National Reconstruction handed over power to the new elected President: Daniel Ortega Saavedra, member of the Sandinista National Liberation Front. Thus, the transitory Board was dissolved.

During the government of the Sandinista National Liberation Front the country suffered a protracted civil conflict fomented by the intervention of the United States of America through the CIA; it formed and secretly trained groups of anti-communist rebels known as Contras, financing a war that was unauthorized by Congress and ending up economically blocking Nicaragua.