Respuesta :

Both are based on racism and harmful to society ;) APEx



Environmental racism means that the minority groups have to bear the environmental hazards such as toxic waste facilities, garbage dumps and other sources of environmental pollution. Around the globe people of minority groups have to deal with the health problems that are caused by the exposure to waste and pollution. It can be caused by unhealthy and unsafe work conditions and in the neighbourhood which are close to toxic materials. Several sociological researches have found that Race is an important factor in environmental racism, and some races are more prone to environmental pollutants than others.

The institutional racism is the racism which is practised in political and social institution. It is reflected in the practise of wealth, criminal justice ,housing etc. Institutional racism is seen in the attitude, behaviour that leads to ignorance and racial stereotyping. Race is a major factor in institutional racism and some races are more prone to it than others.  

Race is the common factor in both type of racism and people of a particular race is more prone than others in both types of racism.