In “The Bet” by Anton P. Chekhov, what motivates the banker to participate in the bet?

A) boredom
B) money
C) justice
D) revenge

(Not B or C)

Respuesta :

In “The Bet” by Anton P. Chekhov, what motivates the banker to participate in the bet?
The correct answer is:
A) boredom

The banker is incredibly competitive and definitely out to be on top, which is what spurs the bet in the first place. During the heated conversation about the death penalty versus life in prison, the banker gets carried away by his determination to prove his point that he slams his fist on the table and says, 'I'll bet you two millions you wouldn't stay in solitary confinement for five years.' The banker is willing to go to extreme lengths to prove his point.

The banker's need to prove the point through an absurd bet and his willingness to actually confine the lawyer to solitary confinement shows the reader that he likes to be in charge. He doesn't like to be questioned. This makes sense because he is a government official and he boasts his wealth openly, which serves as a power move in front of the men at the party.

Boredom is the answer