A committee of four is formed from five eligible members. Let the eligible members be represented with A, B, C, D, and E. The possible outcomes include S = {ABCD, BCDE, ACDE, ABCE, ABDE}. Which statements about the situation are true? Check all that apply.
There are 120 different ways to choose the committee.
If person A must be on the committee, there is only one way to form the committee.
If persons A and C must be on the committee, there are three ways to form the committee.
There are five ways to form the committee if person E must be on it.
If the number of eligible members increases, the number of outcomes increases.

Respuesta :

The first statement is false. The total number of ways of choosing 4 members from 5 is listed in the body of the question. There are 5 ways without any restrictions.

is false. If A must be on the committee then there are 4 ways of making forming he committee. What happens is that B C D and E are in turn left off the committee. 

If A and C are both on the committee then  this statement is true. ABCD ACDE and ACBE are the three ways.

If E must be on it, the answer is the same as the answer for Choice B. This statement is false.

The question is ambiguous. How many people do you get to choose from? If you are only going to choose a committee of 4 then the answer is true. I will assume that is what is meant, but only the person making up the question can clear up the ambiguity.

The third and possibly the last statement are true.


C and E is the correct answer

Step-by-step explanation: