
HELP!!!!Question 1 (1 point) Question 1 Unsaved
Unlike the Greek gods and goddesses, The Egyptian gods and goddesses are objective and emotionless.

Question 1 options:
Question 2 (1 point) Question 2 Unsaved
Which of the following gods wills itself into existence and then creates Shu and Tefnut?

Question 2 options:

Atum (sometimes Atum-Ra)



Question 3 (1 point) Question 3 Unsaved
According to the ancient Egyptians, how did humans come into being?

Question 3 options:

They were created by Zeus to anger Athena

Shu and Tefnut created them so they could rule over them.

Out of tAtum's tears of joy upon finding his lost children.

Question 4 (1 point) Question 4 Unsaved
The Egyptians were polytheistic and worshiped many gods.

Question 4 options:
Question 5 (1 point) Question 5 Unsaved
The Egyptian gods could take many forms. What were they?

Question 5 options:

animal and immortal (godlike)

animal, immortal (godlike) and human

human and animal

Question 6 (1 point) Question 6 Unsaved
In both the myth of Osiris and Isis and the myth of Horus and Seth, which god represents evil?

Question 6 options:




Question 7 (1 point) Question 7 Unsaved
Which human emotion starts the conflict in the myth of Osiris and Isis?

Question 7 options:




Question 8 (1 point) Question 8 Unsaved
What type of myth is the myth of Horus and Seth?

Question 8 options:

seasonal myth to explain why winter comes

heroic myth about the deeds of a hero, Horus

creation myth explaining the creation of the world

Question 9 (1 point) Question 9 Unsaved
The myth of Osiris and Isis explains the origins of which ancient Egyptian ritual?

Question 9 options:

flooding of the Nile

building of the pyramids

mummification to preserve one for the afterlife

Question 10 (1 point) Question 10 Unsaved
The Egyptian gods brought law and order to Egypt and often ruled as kings or pharaohs.

Question 10 options:
Question 11 (5 points) Question 11 Unsaved
Using Aces, prove that above all else, Isis was devoted to her family. Use two examples from the myths we read as support.

Question 11 options:
Using Aces, prove that above all else, Isis was devoted to her family. Use two examples from the myths we read as support.

Respuesta :

#1 [true} #2[osiris]#3[Out of tAtum's tears of joy upon finding his lost children.]#4 [false] #5 [amimal,imortal( godlike)and human] #6 [ isis] #7[fear] #8[creation myth explaning the creation of the world]#9[flooding the nileriver] #10[true]#11[im not sure on 11 but good luck