Victoria has a bag with orange, yellow, and blue chips in it. Without looking, Victoria reaches into the bag and removes a chip. She records the color and returns the chip to the bag. Victoria performs this experiment 20 times. The table shows the data she collects.

Based on the information in the table, how many orange chips should Victoria expect to select out of the bag after repeating this experiment 80 times?


Victoria has a bag with orange yellow and blue chips in it Without looking Victoria reaches into the bag and removes a chip She records the color and returns th class=

Respuesta :

Let's start by putting the information on the table into fraction form.


O: 9/20
Y: 5/20
B: 6/20

We now know the probability of picking the different colour chips when the experiment is repeated 20 times but we want to know the probability if the experiment was repeated 80 times. So, we have to find out what number to multiply the probabilities by to get the answer over 80. So:

80/20 = 4
4x9 = 36

Thus the probability of picking an orange chip should be 36/80 and so she should expect to pick up 36  orange chips !