A teratogen is any agent or condition that increases the risk for: select one:
a. prenatal abnormalities.
b. damage to the placenta.
c. extra chromosomes.
d. male infertility.

Respuesta :

The correct answer is a. prenatal abnormalities.

Any agent is able to affect the development of a fetus or an embryo negatively is a teratogen. They can cause birth defect in the baby or put a halt to the pregnancy.


a. prenatal abnormalities.


Any agent or a condition that can hinder prenatal development and thus, lead to abnormalities in the child or even cause death are termed as teratogens.

Viruses, chemicals, stressors, and malnutrition are all different agents and conditions that are teratogenic.

Exposure to teratogens during a specific period of pregnancy and for a certain amount of time can lead to the development of prenatal abnormalities, such as abnormal  characteristics, slow physical growth etc.