
Many African cultures had griots. What was their function?

A. They were healers.

B. They were singers who kept track of governmental and historical information, passing it on in song.

C. They were slaves.

D. They were solo performers of complex instrumental music.

A romantic concerto is composed for orchestra and

A. chorus.

B. continuo.

C. soloist.

D. ritornello.

Which of the following American musicals was most influenced by rock music?

A. Tommy (1969)

B. Miss Saigon (1988)

C. Yankee Doodle Dandy (1943)

D. Candide (1956)

Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra is written for

A. full orchestra.

B. string quartet and orchestra.

C. full orchestra and solo piano.

D. full orchestra and singer.

Some romantic composers experimented with abandoning classical forms. To unify their works, they relied on

A. monophony.

B. a steady beat.

C. harmony.

D. programs.

Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for

A. Johann Solomon in London.

B. the future Russian Tsar Paul I and his wife.

C. Prince Esterházy.

D. the emperor of Austria.

Several non-Western musical cultures use _______ scales.

A. polyrhythmic

B. natural minor

C. pentatonic

D. twelve-tone

29. Which of the following did not influence William Grant Still's composition, Afro-American Symphony?

A. Spirituals

B. Work songs

C. Ragtime

D. Lutheran hymns

The concerto grosso is written for orchestra and a smaller ensemble. This structure creates

A. rhythm.

B. tension.

C. contrast.

D. harmony.

Rossini focused on writing beautiful melodies for his operatic arias in a style known as

A. recitative.

B. bel canto.

C. naturalism.

D. opera seria

A piano quintet is written for

A. a piano and four singers.

B. string quartet and piano.

C. five pianos.

D. piano, violin, and cello.

Which of the following composers was most influenced by Indian music?

A. John Cage

B. Edgard Varèse

C. Henry Cowell

D. Terry Riley