Ichiro Suzuki’s batting average in 2001 was .350. The all-time American League leading hitter was George Sisler of St. Louis in 1922. Write and solve an equation to find Sisler’s batting average that year, given that his average x was .070 more than Ichiro Suzuki’s average in 2001.

Respuesta :

For this case, the first thing we must do is define a variable.
 We have then:
 x: George Sisler's average
 y: Suzuki's average
 We then have the following equation that models the problem:
 [tex]x = 0.070 + y [/tex]
 Substituting values we have:
 [tex]x = 0.070 + 0.350 x = 0.420[/tex]
Sisler's batting average that year was:
x = 0.420