2. Kateri saves her quarters and dimes. She plans to exchange the coins for paper money when the total value equals $10.
(Use this information to solve the following parts)
A. How many coins does she need to make $10 if all the coins are quarters? If all the coins are dimes?
B.What equation relates the number of quarters x and the number of dimes y to the goal of $10.
C. Use the answers from part (a) to help you draw a graph showing the solutions to the equation.
D.Use the graph to find the five combinations of the dimes and quarters that will allow Kateri to reach her goal.

Respuesta :

Quarters = $0.25
Dimes = $0.10

A) $0.25x = $10 ; x = 10/0.25 ; x = 40 pcs of quarters
     $0.10y = $10 ; y = 10/0.10 ; y = 100 pcs of dimes

B) $0.25x + $0.10y = $10

Any combination will do as long as the quarters will not exceed 40 pieces and the dimes will not exceed 100 pcs.