21. Jesse saved his allowance all summer to by a wake board. He put $36.50 in his piggy bank every two weeks for 3 months. He spent ¼ of his money on a tow rope and bathing suit. Then he spent $14.25 on lunch for him and his friend. He had just enough to buy the wake board. How much did the wake board cost? Please show all of your work as you solve.

Respuesta :

So lets start out this problem with the initial amount of money jesse has:

$36.50 x (2 (times a month)) x (3 months) = $219

Then, you take 1/4 of his money (which can be converted to the decimal 0.25) and you subtract it from $219

$219 - ($219 x 0.25)

$219 - $54.75 = $164.25

Next, you have to subtract Jesse's lunch ($14.25) from the money he has left after purchasing his tow rope and bathing suit.

$164.25 - $14.25 = $150

Jesse's wake board cost him $150.