A.j. is a 16-year-old who has just started soccer practice at school. she complains of increased shortness of breath with exercise, and describes having a hard time catching her breath when she runs, which she does five to six times a week. she does not wake up at night with a cough or shortness of breath, and has no problems at any other time except in the spring when the trees start to blossom. the soccer coach advised
a.j.'s mother to seek health care because
a.j. had a very difficult time breathing at practice that afternoon.
a.j. also has a history of eczema and seasonal allergies for which she takes an over-the counter antihistamine when symptoms get severe.

Respuesta :

Hello!! I would say that the best answer would be that he told her mom to go to the doctor since she has shortness of breath. Since there was no medical history of eczema or signs, that is probably not the case. Yes, it might be seasonal allergies, but her mom should take her to the doctor just to be sure. Could be exercise induced asthma. Hope I helped!! Have a great day.