Amber is participating in a local psychology experiment in which the research assistant asks amber to hold two pencils in front of her and touch the tips together. she then asks amber to do this with one eye closed. amber finds this terribly difficult, which demonstrates the importance of _____.

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Amber finds this terribly difficult, which demonstrates the importance of binocular cues. Binocular cues are  cues taken in by two eyes (binocular), versus one eye (monocular). This means that the brain is able to construct a three-dimensional interpretation of the world (by collecting information from the right and left eyes and then integrating the obtained information).

Amber is participating in a local psychology experiment in which the research assistant asks Amber to hold two pencils in front of her and touch the tips together. She then asks Amber to do this with one eye closed. Amber finds this terribly difficult, which demonstrates the importance of binocular cues.