Which statement best describes the relationship between the Tudor monarchs and Parliament?

Tudor monarchs rarely consulted Parliament on important matters.

Parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively.

Tudor monarchs often clashed with Parliament over divine right.

Parliament used its constitutional powers to control the monarchy.
Which of the following was a cause of the English Civil War?

disagreements between Parliament and Oliver Cromwell

the dissolution of Parliament by Charles I

ongoing conflicts between Protestants and Catholics

the abolition of the Church of England by the House of Commons

Read the following excerpt:

“That election of members of Parliament ought to be free;

That the freedom of speech and debates or proceedings in Parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of Parliament;

That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted;

That jurors ought to be duly impanelled and returned, and jurors which pass upon men in trials for high treason ought to be freeholders;”

From which document is the excerpt above?

Petition of Right

Magna Carta

English Bill of Rights

U.S. Constitution

The addition of which territories increased Spanish power under Charles V?

the Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands

Turkey and Egypt

Italy and Great Britain

France and northern Africa

Which of the following supported the arts in Spain, leading to a “golden century”?

Charles V

Louis XIV

Philip II

Cardinal Jules Mazarin

Respuesta :

1. Correct answer choice is:

B. Parliament and the monarchy cooperated to govern effectively.


The Tudors did not tyrannize above their parliaments, yet on contrary, the parliaments did not declare new rights to dominate. They declared triumphantly the freedom to argue with complete liberty inquiries of management, inquiries of government, inquiries of faith, individual inquiries so as royal weddings) the freedom to appeal the Crown, to present objections, to support propositions, to protest measures presented to them, to manage supply completely.


2. Correct answer choice is:

B. The dissolution of Parliament by Charles I


The English Civil Wars (1642-1651) originated from a dispute between Charles I and Parliament covering an Irish rebellion. Religion was a primary reason for the English Civil War. It was a section of a Europe broad dispute between Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. At the commencement of his rule (1625) King Charles I had wedded the Roman Catholic Henrietta Maria of France.


3. Correct answer choice is:

C. English Bill of Rights.


The English Bill of Rights is an order that the Parliament of England announced on December 16, 1689. The Bill constitutes a division of authorities, restricts the commands of the king and queen, intensifies the free election and supports the right of speech.


4. Correct answer choice is:

A. The Holy Roman Empire and the Netherlands .


As leader of Europe's most dominant global empire, and with many European nations previously under his command, Charles V would start to envision a united European empire. Charles V was chosen Holy Roman Emperor in 1519, granting him power over almost all of Western Europe. He resigned as ruler of the Spanish Empire in January 1556, with no demonstration, and granted these properties to Philip. On 27 August 1556, he resigned as Holy Roman Emperor in support of his brother Ferdinand, although the resignation was not formally affirmed by the Electors of the Empire unto 1558.


5. Correct answer choice is:

C. Philip II.


The Habsburgs, both in Spain and Austria, were excellent supporters of art in their nations. El Escorial, the grand royal cloister established by King Philip II, called the recognition of some of Europe's renowned artists and illustrators. Diego Velázquez, considered as one of the most prominent artists of European chronicle and an exceedingly recognized artist in his own time, developed a contact with King Philip IV and his chief minister, the Count-Duke of Olivares, giving us numerous paintings that show his technique and talent.




Made schools for engineering and improved ability to trade with other nations. They both attacked and took partitions of Poland. Source: Jiskha