
10 sentences about your hobby . Also the pros and cons of it. Giving a crown to the first answer!

Respuesta :

im a digital artist. meaning i use a macbook pro to draw. the better quality the drawing, the more money im capable of making off of it. i do enjoy doing the art, but a lot of the time, i wake up, begin the drawing.. maybe have a small snack midway through the day, then go back to work until its time for bed. therefore i use up about 99% of my time doing the work and not giving myself any breaks. weeks, weekends, even at night. someone once asked when i stop working. when i told them at night, they asked me what time i go to bed, and i told them 1:00 am. hahah, its sad but its the truth. so basically... i do love what i do, but its exhausting. word of advice... don't work yourself to the point of mental exhaustion.