
What were the benefits to US for getting involved in imperialism?
What were the drawbacks?
How did the world view the US before and after they started imperializing?
What other major countries had colonies? How did the world view them because of it?
Did imperialism fit with the foreign policy goals of the US moving into the 20th century?

Answer in 6-8 sentences please

Respuesta :

There are several advantages, as well as drawbacks, in adopting imperialistic policies. Some of the advantages are acquiring more territory (which comes with more population, resources, etc.), having a larger market for economic purposes, and collecting more tax revenue. Some of the drawbacks are damaging a country's reputaton in the international arena, having to militarily protect a larger territory, and being responsible for the welfare of a larger number of citizens.

The U. S. was seen as a force that could help maintain peace and freedom in the world, and as a protection against tyrannical governments. However, after its foreign policy turned more imperialistic, countries around the world became doubtful about accepting U. S. help or intervention. This reputation of catastrophic involvement is similar to the one other colonial powers had, such as the United Kingdom and France.

The foreign policy goals of the U. S. as it moved into the 20th century are difficult to establish. On the one hand, the U. S. was still interested in maintaining its power around the world, but on the other hand, they were aware of the negative connotations of imperialism. The country adopted a policy of influence through soft power, which it maintains to this day.