American Indians staged an occupation in 1969?

(options listed below)

to protest the lack of educational opportunities.
to end poverty on American Indian reservations.
to raise awareness about unfair treatment.
to convince the government to protect their lands.

Respuesta :

Sorry this is a week late and I know you dont need this anymore but the correct answer is

C) To raise awareness about unfair treatment

Sorry again! Hope this helps others that get this same question.

The occupation staged by American Indians in 1969 was in order to to raise awareness about unfair treatment.

American Indians in 1969:

  • Occupied Alcatraz from 1969 to 1971.

The reason they did this was to draw attention to the injustices they were subjected to and the unfair treatment of American Indian tribes by the U.S. government. This led to the federal government giving more land to them.

In conclusion, option C is correct.

Find out more about this Native American protests at