Respuesta :

1. Stock up on food

-Collecting perishables such as canned meat, fruits, and water is a good idea in storm time. If the severe weather poses a threat to your power or water, it's good to be prepared with plenty of food and water to get through until the power is restored. Making meals before the storm hits and purchasing canned food would be the best option to maintain a good food supply.

2. Stay away from windows or cover them.

-Using plywood or tape to cover windows can protect it against breaking from heavy winds or rain.  Another option to prepare is to set up a space without windows to wait out the storm until the threat passes.

3. Remove valueables from dangerous places.

-If you live on a bottom floor and have items stored on floor space, it would be wise to move them off the floor and away from windows to make sure they are not damaged from flooding.  It would also be wise to move cars to a garage if possible, or keep valuable items in a safe place, because the threat of looting increases around this time.

1)Seek shelter

2)Gather supplies like food.

3)Gather pets.

During a storm it's important that you seek shelter because, anything can happen.

-During a strong storm, gather supplies, and pets. Don't forget too grab a radio because, signal might go out and a radio is your best bet.Then seek shelter in a basement, storm shelter, or an intirior room(Which is in the middle of your house) and wait out the storm.

-During a flood it's important that you get out so you don't drown. If your on the road and you see high water don't take a risk TURN AROUND AND DON"T DROWN. If you are in a house that's flooded/flooding grab your pets, phone, food and a radio and get too high ground. If you can't find high ground try getting on your roof, or even a car.Remember don't swim unless you have too, and don't go near power lines, or anything that consumes power.It's very deadly.