In Montgomery Boycott Martin tells Coretta that the first meeting at the Dexter Church was a "stormy session" explain what he meant by a stormy session and discuss why that might have been the case.

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After the incidents with the Claudette Colvin in March 1955 and Rosa Parks' bus incidents with the Montgomery City Bus lines in December of the same year, the black side of the town's population was fed up and decided that it was time to take a stand for themselves. On the evening of Friday, December 2, E. D. Nixon and Martin Luther King organized the first meeting with many members of the African American community at the Dexter Avenue church.  

This reunion was one of the firsts of its kind at the time and allowed members from all walks of life (Doctors, lawyers, businessmen, federal employees, union leaders, and a ministers of the church) to discuss and debate the growing feeling of discontent to the treatment and discrimination they received from the bus lines and other organizations of the white community of Montgomery.

Therefore, while the reunion was filled with energy and anger, it was almost derailed, because the opinions of the people, in the form of questions or suggestions from the floor of the church, were cut from the discussion.

All these aspects resulted in what it was called as a "stormy session", and an event that served as a stepping stone for further actions, like the Bus Boycott.

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