Respuesta :

The answers go in this order from the top down, bibliography, introduction, body, conclusion.

Answer: The introduction contains the thesis statement that the student has chosen to build on in the essay, the body contains information that supports the thesis statement, the conclusion restates the thesis statement  and summarizes the main points of the essay and the bibliography provides a list of all the research sources used in the essay.

Explanation: A research paper is a piece of academic writing in which the author presents his/her research on a topic, a hypothesis, evidence that supports this hypothesis, such as information provided by other sources, and the results of the research. A research paper is generally made up of an introduction, which includes the topic and the thesis statement, a body, where the research findings are presented to support the thesis statement, a conclusion, where the thesis statement is restated, and the bibliography, where the author must present all of the sources that he/she quoted throughout the research paper.