consider the Wetland habitat pictured here imagine a very hot summer with very little rain what would the limiting factor for the populations of all the animals living here

Respuesta :

Well, there wouldn't be really any water for the animals to drink.If it's very hot, and there is litte to no rain can cause bodies of water to evaporate so there will be less water to be drinken by the animials.If there in a drought there's not much they can do, just they can try consuming water when needed the most.If there is a good amount of water then they can drink whenever.If there would've been a bunch of rain they wouldn' have to worry, but in this case they have to worry because they don't have much water.

Limiting factors:

Little to no water due to drought.

Animals might die due to thirst.

The limiting factor for these animals is water. It is what they are missing because there is no rain.