Respuesta :

A star remarkably ruptured about 7,500 years ago established about 6,500 light years away. The explosion states that the star was brighter than million suns and it was visible during day light which amazed the Chinese astronomers. There were amazed at the appearance of the bright star. Many years later, the arrival of the telescope, astronomers launch a nebula which is a cloud like structure and that it is a remnant of  a shattered star. The astronomers detected the promptly rotating neutron star - a pulsar surrounded by a gas envelope. Now Indian astronomers, combine powerful Cadmium-Zinc-Telluride imager on the on panel the indian astronomy satellite, AtroSat, have achieved  the most absolute X-ray polarization measurement of the Crab nebula.


radio waves


In the summer of 1967, U.S. Air Force officer Charles Schisler was on radar duty at Clear Air Force Base in Alaska when he noticed a fluctuating radio source. The source appeared over the course of several days, and Schisler noticed that its position coincided with the Crab Nebula. However, the findings weren't published by the Air Force at the time, and the discovery went unrealized until 2007. Astronomers in Puerto Rico discovered the same pulsing radio source. Determined to be a pulsar, the object is a rapidly-rotating, town-sized star that flashes about 30 times a second. Known as NP0532, or the Crab Pulsar,