Which is one major difference between state and federal courts in the United States ?
A. Only state courts issue verdicts on both criminal and civil cases
B.only federal court decisions can be appealed in the Supreme Court.
C. Only state courts explicitly described in the constitution.
D. Only federal courts handle cases between citizens of different states.

Respuesta :

Only Federal courts handle cases between citizens of different states. (APEX Class ;)

One major difference between state and federal courts in the United States is that Only federal courts handle cases between citizens of different states.(D)

Further Explanation:

The Federal Configuration of the United States has distributed its power into three branches, a judicial branch, the executive branch, and legislative branch with a bicameral division.The judicial branch review and invalidates the statues that are profane to the “Constitution”of the United States. The court can also overturn the Presidential directives in case of violation of constitutional laws.

The Judicial branch in America was established both at the state and federal level each having authority at their own level. The courts at the local level exercise the authority to settle down the disputes among the citizens of the states. The Federal Court exercises the power to solve disagreements between the States or disputes concerning national importance.

The Supreme Court in America is a Federal Court with Federal Judiciary having appellate jurisdiction and original jurisdiction over all states and Federal Courts.

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Answer Details

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Judiciary

Keywords: Federal Configuration, judicial branch, executive branch, legislative branch,Constitution, constitutional laws, Supreme Court, Federal Court, Federal Judiciary