What are some of the things the United States has done to fight terrorism since 9/11? Be specific and give examples.

What other things do you think the United States should do to fight terrorism in order to prevent another attack like 9/11? Be specific and give examples.

Why do you think people commit acts of terrorism? How do you think these people should be punished?

Respuesta :

We increased security after 9/11, in airports, schools etc. As and example, your luggage has to be much lighter than it was before 9/11.

I think we should have a specific group that checks everyone's history and record if they have one, before they enter the plain, my example is 9/11, if they would have done that they would have known that they were not American residents and the bendanes they wore was a cult.

They commit acts of terrorism believing that killing themselves and you that they are going to heaven. And I think they should be 1. wiped off the planet, for the simple fact that they will never change so we have to try to get rid of them, or 2. lock up everyone of them we can in a supermax prison so they can never see daylight again.

I hope this helps!