
You pick up a newspaper and are disappointed to find that part of the headline is missing. It reads, "__________ appoints new Supreme Court justice; __________confirms her." Complete the headline by filling in the blanks.
A: House of Representatives; President
B: President; Senate
C: Senate; Supreme Court
D: President: Supreme Court

Respuesta :

Option B i.e President; Senate is the correct answer..

As per the Article II of the US Constitution, the President is solely empowered to nominate Justices of Supreme Court and the Senate is required to confirm those nominations and finally President appoints the Justices.The Constitution states, “he [the president] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Judges of the supreme Court."

So we see firstly The President nominates the Candidate. The nomination is send to Senate Judiciary Committee which sees the suitability and qualifications of nominee to serve as Justice of Supreme Court. Then the Committee can vote to send the nomination to Senate. The Senate confirms the nominee by a simple majority (51 votes) of Senate and finally The President appoints the candidate as Justice of Supreme Court.

Answer: B

Hey am jjust here to make sure the person above me gets brainlyest he or she deserves it
