Respuesta :



To have a chain of sedimentary rock as a mountain, we would have to reconstruct the geologic history of such terrain.

For a sedimentary rock to form, a basin of deposition is required to hold the sediments derieved from the country rocks.

Sedimentary rocks are formed from weathered and eroded materials.

In the basin, the sediments begins to lie on top of one another to form sedimentary strata.

Diagenesis further lithifies the sediments and turns them into a sedimentary rock.

With time, as the area responds to regional uplift, Sedimentary basins can become Highlands.

At some convergent boundaries between two continental crusts, sediments that have been buried can become uplifted by convergence.

Continental margins have nearly the same densities. Instead of subduction, mountain building process occurs due to an uplift of the terrane.


convergent boundary of two continental crusts
