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The economic and political practice known as New Imperialism. This was a major policy in the advanced economies of the late 19th century that sought to expand themselves through territorial expansion and control over strategic resources on the nations of "less civilized" populations. The qualifier 'New' is used to differ it from the first european wave of expansion on the Americas since the focus of this second expansion was on the African and Asian continents. Historical examples of this policy are the british domination of India, known as the British Raj, and the german trading outposts in China such as that in Tsingtao (modern day Qingdao).    




New-imperialism is a policy not only territorial, military and economic, but also cultural, from one nation over another. Neo-imperialism receives this name because it resembles very much to the imperialism, policy existing at the time of the second industrial revolution, and was practiced by many European powers.

New Imperialism was basically a major policy in the propelled economies of the late nineteenth century that tried to grow themselves through regional extension and power over key assets on the countries of "less civilized" peoples. The qualifier 'New' is utilized to differentiate it from the known slightly older policy known as Imperialism, which consisted of European influx of development on the Americas since the focal point of this New Imperialism  was on the African and Asian mainlands.