What is one thing that the leaders of Saudi Arabia have not done with their oil revenues?

A. modernized certain social roles

B. built the country’s entire infrastructure

C. provided children with free education

D. built plants to convert seawater to fresh water

Respuesta :

The correct answer is - A. modernized certain social roles.

Even though Saudi Arabia is a country that in the last century had been rapidly growing economically and the country has become very rich and globally influential, it still has a society that is very backwards considering the modernization and trends in the world.

The Saudi society is still dictated by the strict laws of its dominant religion, Islam, and the moral values and principles set for the people are very outdated and comparable to the early Middle Ages. There's way to many restriction as to what people can and can not do, the women's rights are totally out of the question, and the punishments for breaking a religious rule are very severe, and include even death.

modernize certain social roles - gradpoint