Analyze one of the following poems: "clearances" Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night," Not waving but Drowning ,"The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock"Ten Songs,"The Guitar use at least 4 of the following in you response: theme,voice,rhyme scheme,poem type,personification,imagery,or allusion,

it is an essay please help confused and thank you

Respuesta :

I will provide a few points for analysis of T. S. Eliot's "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock". However, I would recommend better to preapre the unplagiarized text and I can surely tell you about the good writing quality of writers at Prime Writings.  

1. A couple of most important themes in this poem are love and passivity. The poem is called "the love song" for a reason: Prufrock is a young man who wants and needs to love and be loved. But all throughout the poem he dances around the notion, never really trying to act upon it. He is frozen in his passivity, unable to move from it, nearly impotent (pun intended) to do anything that matters and change his life circumstances.

2. Personifications (attributing human traits to non-human living beings, objects, or abstract notions) in the poem include: "The yellow fog that rubs its back upon the window-panes, / The yellow smoke that rubs its muzzle on the window-panes, / Licked its tongue into the corners of the evening". Here, the notorious London fog is ominous and weird at the same time, reminding the speaker of a cat that "rubs its back" and "licked its tongue".

3. There's plenty of imagery in the poem (using non-verbal elements that appeal to the five senses). At the beginning, the evening is compared to "a patient etherized upon a table". While this is also a simile, the very image of the patient is an extremely effective visual and partly tactile imagery. It is a compelling and memorable image of a stiff, seemingly dead body on a table, waiting for a surgery. This evening is not your typical romantic or nostalgic evening. It has a chemical, medical, artificial component that makes it bizarre. 

4. Eliot is notorious for using many allusions (references to well-known works and characters from literature, religion, mythology), which often make his work nearly unintelligible. In "Prufrock", however, there are only a few allusions, and they are not incomprehensible. "Though I have seen my head (grown slightly bald) brought in upon a platter" - he refers to the well-known Bible story of St. John the Baptist. Salome, Herod's step-daughter, requested John's head on a platter. Here, Prufrock mixes the Bible allusion with his own self-image and sunk self-confidence. Another example: "To say: 'I am Lazarus, come from the dead, / Come back to tell you all, I shall tell you all'—". Here Prufrock imagines that his "overwhelming question" could be a great secret that all of us want to unravel. But the point is, we can't even get to articulate it and say it out loud. So, Prufrock's question remains unasked, lingering at the back of his head.

For the whole Europe 1 Unit test;

1) D. Karla is familiar with Jade's nonverbal reactions.

2) B. Friends are always there to support one another.

3) C. by what Jade says and what Karla thinks about Jade

4) A. what Karla says, does, and thinks

5) C. Karla prevents herself from learning by overthinking situations

6) A. modern

7) D. Irish dialect

8) D. Jackie is terrified to death of Confession

9) A. "Politic, cautious, and meticulous"

10) B. flat character

11) A. allusion

12) E. round character

13) D. stock character

14) C. rhyme scheme

15) D. infinitive

16) B. participial

17) D. prepositional

18) C. appositive

19) B. infinitive

20) B. gerund

21) D. strolling around the lake

22) C. Alexis painted the murals listening to Cuban music.

23) A. Playing with the children, it was obvious they had a great time.

24) The guy above me is spot on for this one