a soccer goal is in the shape of a triangular prism. the base and height of the right triangles at the sides of the goal measure 4 feet and 8 feet and the opening along the front is 24 feet long. how many cubic feet of space is 24 feet long. how many cubic feet of space is contained within this goal?

Respuesta :

The volume of a triangular prism with a known base and height is the same as half the volume of a rectangular prism with the same base and height (since a right triangle is simply a rectangle sliced diagonally).

So, we will first solve this as if it were a rectangular prism, finding volume accordingly.

4 * 8 = 32

32 * 24 = 768

Now, we know what the volume of a rectangular prism of those dimensions would be, so all we have to do is divide by 2 to find the volume of the triangular prism that is the soccer goal.

768 / 2 = 384

The volume of the soccer goal is 384 cubic feet.
Hope that helped! =)