
Which statement correctly describes magnetism? (2 points) Metals can become magnetic if they have many spinning electrons that create magnetic fields. Metals are magnets because they have more electrons than non-magnetic materials. Non-paired electrons spin in opposite directions creating an imbalance that creates a magnetic field. The electrons in some metals pair up to create a magnetic field.

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I can interpret this as it's somewhat of all of those, due to the fact that for one thing think of the earth it's a spinning ball of liquid iron, nickel due to one law stating hot liquid metal spinning around creates magnetic fields, ferro magnetic metals are ones such as magnetite which is a natural magnet, it can be found in nature theres a region in the gobi desert that will make a compass needle dance since its surrounded by magnetic rock, ferro magnetic atoms like iron, nickel are great at being and creating magnetic fields due to their ability to change from non magnetic to magnetic quickly and with different ways from inducing as in electromagnetic coils forcing atoms spinning differently to spin the same direction or changing the north south alignment. you can take a iron pipe and hit it with a hammer and after enough wacks the atomic structure will be disrupted and all the atoms line up in tightly compacted lines like grains in wood creating a stronger magnetic pull than if it was just a iron pipe. I hope that helps I like metaphors for understanding those kinds of concepts I hope that's helped.


Metals can become magnetic if they have many spinning electrons that create magnetic fields.


When metals are placed in external magnetic field then due to this external magnetic field the spinning electrons will experience torque on them and all the electrons aligns in such a way that the magnetic field produced due to spinning electrons are all in the same direction and they all combine to give a strong field due to all spinning electrons

This phenomenon of magnetic field production of electrons due to alignment of all spinning electrons is known as magnetism.

So here correct answer will be

Metals can become magnetic if they have many spinning electrons that create magnetic fields.