
Two similar buses are moving with the same velocity on the roads one of them is empty and other is loaded with passenger. Which of the two will stop by the application of less force. explain

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Hi pupil Here's Your Answer :::


Momentum = Mass × Velocity

Loaded bus has greater mass than the empty bus, so loaded bus has the greater Momentum than the Empty Bus. The rate of change of momentum is directly proportional to the force applied, so the empty bus will be stopped by applying less force.


Hope this helps ...........

A force of ANY size can stop EITHER bus. The only question is: How SOON does it need to stop ? If you need both buses stopped in the same amount of time, then it'll take less force to stop the empty bus in THAT time.

(Because Mass x Speed = Momentum, so the empty bus has less momentum, so it requires less impulse to stop, and

Impulse=Force x Time.)