
Read the excerpt from act 5, scene 1, of Julius Caesar.

CASSIUS. Then if we lose this battle,
You are contented to be led in triumph
Through the streets of Rome?

BRUTUS. No, Cassius, no:
Think not, thou noble Roman,
That ever Brutus will go bound to Rome.
He bears too great a mind. But this same day
Must end that work the ides of March begun;
And whether we shall meet again I know not.

How does Shakespeare’s use of triumph instead of victory affect the meaning of the passage?

It shows that Cassius thinks that Brutus is too optimistic.
It implies that Brutus would be willing to pay the price for his actions.
It reveals that Brutus and Cassius regret killing Caesar.
It creates a greater sense of humiliation for the defeated.

Respuesta :

A. It shows that Cassius thinks that Brutus is too optimistic.

What Cassius is basically asking Brutus is whether he is willing to be humiliated and be marched through the streets tied up as trophy because this is what usually happened to the defeated.  What Cassius is trying to communicate to Brutus is the notion that he should consider the consequences of what were to happen should he happen to fail.  


A) It shows that Cassius thinks that Brutus is too optimistic.

