Write a reflective essay in which you explore a personal experience or an event and reflect on its deeper meaning. The essay should be 1 typed page in length and include essay structure with an introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Proofread and edit carefully for correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Respuesta :

The Necessity of Change.

When you are a student and supposedly you have everything you need, life is easy. Since my early years, there were no lacks. Food, education, clothes, even gifts, and vacation every summer.  

My Dad had a very nice position in a government office and every Christmas, the tree was surrounded by presents. Real, expensive presents. That being the case, I thought I was a successful young man. My ideas were good, my grades were good and my opinions were right. How it could be the other way if I had everything I needed and much more.

Time went by, and during the second semester of College, different things changed my life. But especially one. Yes, differences with other students made me lost what I considered friends, thinking, of course, they were wrong and I was right. My arrogance showed disrespect to other people that had less, and I had problems with teachers that did not think as I did. My marks reflected those problems.

One night, we had a party. There was this girl with all the attributes to be considered Miss America. And yes, believe it or not, she was humble and friendly. Every boy in campus was expecting her arrival. But she didn’t appear. All of a sudden, the music stop. The guy from the house asked for silence while he was speaking on the phone. Yes, the bad news. Cecile has had an accident in the highway. She died.

How? A friendly girl that had everything that life can get you? She was smart, humble, pretty, she had great marks and even a job in the Fashion business with a great sum of money to guarantee a wonderful life…..and now she was gone. I was devastated.

As soon as I got home, my dad was in the dining room with mom. He had been fired by the new government administration. If I wanted to go on with College, I needed to get a job or financial aid.

In a sudden change of live events, I was in trouble, sad, confuse and angry. I cried and screamed at the top of my lungs why these things happen. I really lost my mind for a week, but those quiet moments in my room gave the time to reflect on my life and I learned a beautiful lesson. I needed to change. Not only that, I had to be considered to other people situations and show respect for their lives and opinions.

If you do not change on time, life presents you with the situations that force you to change. And it is much better to prevent, to take the first step. One day I had everything and I was on top of the world, and the next day I was alone, my father was looking for a job, a was looking for one too. No car, no friends and some debts.

That was a hard lesson to overcome.  

Fortunately, one fellow student extended a hand. Yes, a man that I offended one time offered my a job in his dad’s company. My friends ignored me. The help arrived from where I did not expect it. How about that?

From then on, I tried to be respectful all the time. And when things get complicated, I look for different options. The First one, is a question: do I need to change something in my life?

Yes, the necessity of Change. Don’t allow it to be imposed in your life. Take the first step.