
· Triggered the "Panic of 1857" and resulted in several railroad bankruptcies and bank closures. · Strengthened pro-slavery and secessionist support in the south. · Made the question of extending slavery into new territories an unstable issue. · Divided the Democratic Party on sectional lines and strengthened the Republican Party. These statements are describing the effects of the Supreme Court's decision in A) Plessy v. Ferguson B) Worcester v. Georgia C) Richardson v. Boston D) Dred Scott v. Sandford

plz be fast ty :) will give brainlyist

Respuesta :

D. The Dred Scott v. Sanford decision.

The statements are all describing the effects of the Supreme Court's decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford. Although Roger B. Taney and the other justices believed the decision would settle the slavery issue, in effect the decision made the sectional differences and conflict between north and south even more pronounced.