Respuesta :

Paragraph Style Proof:

Angle A = Angle T is given to you. This is one pair of angles that will be used later on. Another pair of angles that are congruent is the pair angle AXM = angle TXH which are vertical angles. So far we have two pairs of angles that are congruent.

A pair of sides that are congruent is MA = HT which is the second piece of given information. Using the two pairs of angles, along with the pair of sides, we can use the AAS congruence theorem. The order is important. Notice how S is not between the two A's. So the sides are not between the two angles mentioned. If we were to use ASA, then we would need to know if AX = XT were true or not.

side note: SAA is the same as AAS. Again the S is not between the two A's.


Two Column Table Proof:

See the attached image below

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