Mrs. Harrigan ordered 30 boxes of glasses for her restaurant. Each box holds 16 glasses. She also ordered a 30 boxes of plates . There are 25 plates in each box. How many glasses and plates did Mrs. Harrigan order altogether?

Respuesta :


480 glasses

750 plates

1230 dishes altogether

Step-by-step explanation:

If each box holds 16 glasses and she bought 30 glasses you times the 16 by 30 to get 480.

Then there are 25 plates in each box and she bought 30 boxes you multiply those numbers together and get 750

Last you add the two numbers together and get 1230 dishes



Step-by-step explanation:

Lets find the glasses first. To find the number of glasses she bought we need to multiple the amount per box by the amount of boxes. Lets x equal the total number of glasses.


Multiply the numbers


She bought 480 glasses

Now lets find the plates. We need to do the same thing. Multiple the number of plates per box by the number of boxes. Let y equal the number of plates


Multiply the two numbers


She bought 750 plates.

Now to find how many she ordered all together we need to add the two numbers we got. Let z equal the total


Add them


She bought 1230 plates and glasses