To track down tornadoes, we have to travel widely during periods of severe storm weather patterns. This often means driving hundreds of miles a day, for many days in a row. Still, we generally intercept only one tornado for every 10 outings because tornadoes are truly rare events. We know we have the passion for this work because we are able to endure day after day of fruitless chases and still wake the next morning with enthusiasm to continue the mission. So far, 2001 has been one of the fruitless years. During the first half of the 2001 season, we made three road trips, logging more than 2,000 miles. All we have to show for our efforts, however, are two minor sets of tornado data, much frustration, and some interesting stories. In what point of view is this selection written? A. It shifts from first person to third person. B. It shifts from third person to second person. C. first person D. second person