
How are the high islands of the Pacific formed? A. by connected coral reefs called atolls B. by lagoons C. by moving glaciers D. by underwater volcanoes

Respuesta :

I think D is the answer


The correct answer is D. The high islands of the Pacific are formed by underwater volcanoes.


A volcano island is an island of volcanic origin. The land mass of these islands is formed by at least one active or inactive volcano.

Three different forms of volcanism are responsible for the formation of volcanic islands: single hotspots, the activity of a mid-ocean ridge or a subduction zone. The first category includes the Azores, the Galapagos Islands and the Hawaiian Archipelago, the second category the Revillagigedo Archipelago off the west coast of Mexico with the islands Socorro and San Benedicto and the latter category include the Aleutian Islands, the Mariana Islands or the Liparian Islands Islands. A special feature is the very large volcanic island of Iceland, where hotspot volcanism coincides with the volcanism of a mid-ocean ridge.